10 Best File Sharing Apps For Android In 2023

File sharing is quite simple now with quicker Internet and more grounded devices.

File sharing is significantly more straightforward than it used to be. Internet speeds are significantly quicker and devices are much more remarkable with way more storage. It’s somewhat simple to move even huge files starting with one individual then onto the next. Android even has Nearby Share, a strategy for sharing files just by being close to the individual you need to share with. In any case, there are some applications that can make it simple and we’ll go over those at this point. Here are the best file sharing applications for Android.


InShare works a ton like Feem. You and someone else interface together and transfer files between your devices. The application has a couple of nice elements, for example, the capacity to restart a download underway in the event that the association becomes interfered. A few different highlights in the application incorporate a file program, support for all Android phones, and backing for 30 dialects.

We additionally appreciate that it’s not loaded down with a lot of pointless garbage. It’s only there to assist you with sharing files. It turned out only great in our testing.


A great deal of informing applications let you transfer files nowadays. Essentially every one of them let you share photographs and most let you share videos too. A more modest number allows you to transfer fundamentally anything you desire. A few instances of this incorporate Skype, WhatsApp, and Discord. Just transfer the file and the others in your talk can download it.

There are generally file size limits, albeit that shifts from application to application. For instance, Discord has a 8MB breaking point except if you buy into Discord Nitro. Despite the fact that no one truly utilizes Skype any longer, it’s very really great for this kind of use also. We have WhatsApp connected up on the grounds that it’s the most famous.

Solid Explorer

Solid Explorer is a file program and file programs are a really fair method for sharing files. You basically select the file you need to send and afterward pick the application you need to send it through. This is normally the way that individuals get their files to cloud storage or to a message in an informing application.

With some dabbling, you can utilize your Wi-Fi area of interest to interface one more phone to yours and utilize a file program to transfer files to the next phone, similar to it’s an off-site storage device. It’s a piece outdated, however it takes care of business in the event that you and your companions are old-school educated.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is additionally among the most well known ways of sharing files. Dissimilar to email, there’s no genuine size limit on cloud storage as long as you have sufficient room for you to hold the file. This is the manner by which a many individuals share stuff. You just transfer the file to your cloud storage, give another person the connection, and they download it. There are a ton of choices here too, and most give you a nice measure of room.

Fun truth, you can essentially pursue every one of them and get all the free space you can. Regardless, this is pretty much how it’s done nowadays so we clearly suggest it.


Xender is one more file transfer application that utilizes Wi-Fi Direct and, as most, it upholds fundamentally a wide range of files. It likewise works cross-stage with iOS, Android, PC/Macintosh, and even Tizen. At its center, it works much the same way to Send Anyplace, Feem, and other such file transfer applications. Be that as it may, this one adds a couple of additional items to make it a piece unique.

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It accompanies an audio and video converter alongside the capacity to download videos from different social stages. There are likewise games on there yet they’re all sort of awful and we don’t suggest that piece of the application.


Imgur is an image sharing site where you transfer images and send the connections to others so they can see them. This is a well known site for gatherings and Reddit, for people to transfer an image and share it with others. You get seemingly limitless storage, however the assistance just works for images.

There are different administrations that work like this also. YouTube allows you to transfer practically any video you need and you can share it with individuals whenever. Applications like Amazon Photos and Google Photos reinforcement your photograph library so you can share and download them at whatever point you need.


Feem is a straightforward and generally simple file sharing application. Essentially, you and the other individual interface with a similar Wi-Fi network and the application finds the two devices and passes the file between them. It works between phones, as well as between a phone and a PC. The application has a shipper and beneficiary mode to make it quite simple to figure out who’s getting what.

The expert form adds a few extra elements and really doesn’t cost all that much each year. It’s efficient and works for a great many people.


Torrents are another outdated approach to transferring files. It’s definitely feasible on Android without an excessive number of issues. All you really want is a torrent application, and we connected Flud on the button beneath, alongside a smidgen of persistence. Torrents let you transfer your file straightforwardly to someone else through a magnet connection and trackers.

It works a piece better on the off chance that you have numerous individuals transferring and downloading, however it’ll take care of its business regardless of whether it’s a balanced transfer. You’ll need to figure out how to make a torrent file, yet it otherwise turns out great.


Email is one of the most well known ways of sharing files. It works for little stuff like a periodic record, photograph, little video, and that’s what things like. Most email administrations have limits on how enormous connections can be, so you can’t transfer bigger files. All things considered, it’s helpful since everyone has email.

Each email client has its own arrangement of elements, yet sending connections works something similar in fundamentally every one of them. We have Gmail connected on the grounds that it’s a simple suggestion, yet there are a great deal of email clients out there.

Send Anywhere

Send Anywhere is another file sharing application that utilizes Wi-Fi Direct to move files without a full Internet association. The application produces QR codes that the other individual sweeps to interface the two devices and transfer the file. It works with any file type so you don’t need to stress over that. The QR code can likewise be examined by different individuals in the event that you need to share it with a couple of individuals immediately.

The one downside is equivalent to most Wi-Fi Direct sharing in that you must be in a similar room as the other individual and associated with a similar Wi-Fi. A few people aren’t content with the promotions, however it’s otherwise a solid application.

Assuming we missed any extraordinary file sharing applications, enlighten us concerning them in the comments!

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