10 Best Content Delivery Network (CDNs) To Use In 2024

Best Content Delivery Networks

Examine the top ten content delivery networks (CDNs) to distribute and cache web content across several servers and locations, hence decreasing latency and enhancing website and application load times.

A network of servers known as a content delivery network (CDN) caches files, movies, and other types of web material across several geographical locations. The local “edge” CDN server nearest to the user will disseminate the cached content upon request, making web browsing significantly faster.

Nowadays, CDNs service the bulk of web traffic because they provide users with a faster and more dependable online experience. Additionally, they are safer and more economical for web content suppliers. This is due to the fact that caching website data can incorporate essential website security features like DDoS mitigation while simultaneously lowering bandwidth costs.

In order to increase security, save costs, and speed up their websites, website owners should think about implementing a CDN. Along with other essential characteristics like supporting video streaming and encryption capabilities, the solutions on this list can assist lower latency, enhance security, and save expenses.

It’s critical to take into account aspects like geographic coverage, performance, dependability, security features, and simplicity of integration while choosing the best CDN solution. The top 10 CDN software products on the market will be examined in this guide based on factors including features, scalability, network coverage, and more.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) : What Are They ?

Users can swiftly and effectively receive web material via content delivery networks in a secure manner. A global network of servers known as content delivery networks, or CDNs, is used to swiftly cache and deliver web information. The CDN server nearest to the user will serve the cached material when they request content from your website, like loading a page, clicking on an image, or starting a video. This enhances website dependability, lowers bandwidth expenses, speeds up load times, and boosts security because many CDNs come with DDoS mitigation capabilities.

It’s crucial to understand that CDNs are not web hosts and should not be used in place of your current web hosting configuration. Instead, by caching web host-provided content, these solutions enhance dependability and minimize hosting traffic. They are frequently utilized to enhance website performance above and beyond what the web hosting company can offer.

What Advantages Do Content Delivery Networks Offer ?

By using a content delivery network, you may optimize your network performance and get various benefits. Among these are:

  • Faster Website Loading: Accessing web content more rapidly is one of the main advantages of a content delivery network (CDN). Using a CDN to optimize the loading speed of your webpage can help enhance SEO, lower bounce rates, and increase conversions.
  • Improved Global Performance: CDNs are dispersed globally, therefore in addition to allowing faster loading times, your website will have global coverage, allowing for better performance in new markets and geographical areas.
  • Cut Down on Hosting Costs (By Reducing Bandwidth Usage): CDNs can assist you in cutting down on bandwidth usage by optimizing, caching, and distributing your website’s content through their own servers. Thus, the cost of hosting may be decreased.
  • Boost Website Reliability: CDNs are resistant to website outages and offer more dependable online surfing experiences because they distribute content geographically, eliminating the possibility of a single point of failure.
  • Boost Website Security: To give end customers more safe websites and online browsing, several CDN providers offer extra security measures like DDoS mitigation and encryption services.
  • Video Streaming: With the help of CDNs, you can reliably broadcast both live and on-demand video content on your websites.
  • Updates And Patches: CDNs can assist in the large-scale distribution of automated security updates and patches.

What Is The Process of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) ?

Caching and distributing web information, including photos, videos, JavaScript files, and stylesheets, among a vast network of servers positioned strategically throughout different regions is how content delivery networks (CDNs) function. Fast load speeds and lower latency are ensured when a user requests content from a website; the content that has been cached is served by the CDN server that is closest to the user’s location.

Fastly CDN

A CDN company called Quickly Content Delivery Network works with companies to offer quick and customized web and mobile experiences. It provides logging integrations, rapid DevOps practice support, and real-time visibility. Because of Fastly’s highly flexible CDN, changing API settings and content caching is simple and fast, allowing for stress-free rollbacks and speedier content modifications.

The platform offers customers a secure environment in which to develop and execute applications thanks to its integrated security capabilities, which include next-generation WAF, TLS encryption, and DDoS prevention. The architecture of Quickly CDN provides faster content removal, increased cache hit ratios, enhanced performance, and cost-effectiveness. Better user experiences, more engagement, smooth scaling, and lower infrastructure costs are all facilitated by these qualities.

TLS encryption, dedicated IP addresses, streaming media distribution, and support for numerous connection ways are among the products that Fastly offers. It also offers enterprise, gold, and ordinary support plans to meet different consumer demands. Configurability, real-time control, and security features like auto-healing and grace mode are some of the platform’s key features that guarantee best performance and security.

Extremely efficient and quick—big businesses have used Fastly’s edge technology to significantly lower page load times.Only because the service is so feature-rich and robust can setup be challenging.
Support for video in addition to other media types.The monthly minimum spend is $50, even if you don’t use the service frequently enough to reach the $50 threshold.
Serving and modifying images is made incredibly easy with image add-ons.

Cloudflare CDN

A content delivery network solution called Cloudflare CDN provides both static and dynamic caching to enhance the performance of websites and apps. Free of charge, this service is included of every Cloudflare application service package. Over 310 cities and 120 countries make up Cloudflare CDN’s global network, which serves about 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population in less than 50 milliseconds. By reducing queries to the origin server, Cloudflare minimizes hosting fees and reduces bandwidth expenses, all while improving load speeds for web and mobile customers.

Granular cache visibility is one of Cloudflare CDN’s advanced capabilities, which gives consumers better cache-hit ratios and useful information. This tool also allows you to filter by hostnames and examine a list of the top URLs that were cache-missed, in addition to dashboard views for optimizing website speed. BYOIP (Bring Your Own IPs) is supported by Cloudflare CDN, allowing users to have their IPs announced by Cloudflare and link them to the Cloudflare services of their choosing. It also supports HTTP/3, the most recent version of the web protocol, which makes use of QUIC to speed up traffic delivery and enhance connection security and dependability.

Thirty percent of Fortune 1000 firms trust Cloudflare, which offers capabilities including web application firewall (WAF), unmetered DDoS protection, and universal SSL certificates. Enterprise features include multi-channel assistance available around-the-clock, a 100% uptime guarantee with a 25x reimbursement SLA, usage-based product pricing that is predictable and flat-rate, and sophisticated controls and management choices.

Optimisation of networksThe threat intelligence platform available separately
Defense against DDoSBusiness plan cancellation due to pay as you go
Regional load distribution

Amazon Cloudfront

A content delivery network (CDN) solution called Amazon CloudFront is made with excellent performance, security, and developer convenience in mind. Through a worldwide network of more than 550 Points of Presence (PoPs), it expedites the dissemination of static and dynamic web content while guaranteeing low latency and fast transfer rates. Intelligent routing and automated network mapping are used to distribute content, which enhances user experience.

Along with AWS Shield Standard, the service improves security with traffic encryption and access controls, providing free protection against DDoS attacks. In addition, Amazon CloudFront provides free data transmission from AWS origins, customized pricing options, and consolidated requests. By balancing cost, performance, and security, users can further improve content delivery with serverless compute features.

Several use cases are made possible by Amazon CloudFront, such as dynamic content delivery, quick and secure websites, and APIs for streaming live and on-demand video. Moreover, it effectively uses high transfer rates, intelligent scaling, and software patches to deliver game updates, IoT updates, and over-the-air (OTA) updates. All things considered, companies looking for a high-performance content delivery network (CDN) with strong security and features that are developer-friendly will benefit greatly from using Amazon CloudFront.

Supplying picturesServing dynamic content
Providing VideosDistinct material depending on the location
JS static file servingEnabling the execution of certain code prior to content delivery

Google Cloud & Media CDN

Content delivery network technologies like Google Cloud CDN and Media CDN assist in bringing frequently accessed static content closer to users through caching. Static and dynamic latency-sensitive online assets including CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and picture files are best served via cloud CDN. Using YouTube’s infrastructure, Media CDN is designed for massive file downloads and video streaming. By combining the two CDN platforms, network delivery expenses may be decreased, origin infrastructure resource consumption can be decreased, and user performance can be enhanced.

Any HTTP-capable origin, such as Google Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and Google Kubernetes Engine, as well as origins outside of Google Cloud, can be used with Cloud CDN and Media CDN. These platforms offer fine-grain cache settings for customized caching behavior and interact with Google Cloud Armor for comprehensive protection. In addition, the systems provide real-time logging and monitoring, sophisticated HTTP routing capabilities, and compatibility for contemporary protocols including TLS version 1.3 and QUIC.

Cloud CDN and Media CDN can effectively deliver content closer to users while lowering latency, costs, and backend server strain by leveraging Google’s worldwide edge network. Serving static and dynamic material, streaming video, sophisticated gaming, and software downloads are examples of common use cases. Pricing for Cloud CDN and Media CDN is determined by HTTP/HTTPS requests and bandwidth.

It is among the quickest and safest CDNs on the planet.In general, their support system is rather slow and uncompetitive.
It facilitates enhancing the functionality of the website or online applications.For newbies, setting up for the first time could be a little complicated.
Because of the significant reduction in latency, the information loads faster.Updates and enhancements to documentation are greatly needed.
It permits the use of HTTPS to serve content with SSL for enhanced security.

Akamai CDN

Leading provider of computing, online content delivery, and security services worldwide is Akamai. Businesses can achieve Zero Trust, stop ransomware, secure apps and APIs, and fend off DDoS attacks with the help of Akamai. With more than 4,100 sites spread over 1,200 networks in 130 countries, the Akamai Connected Cloud offers its customers increased size, capacity, and reach.

Numerous content delivery network solutions that enable quick and interesting end user experiences are available from Akamai. These technologies support stress testing, traffic management, performance and availability optimization, and preserving a quick and enjoyable online experience for users. With a focus on delivering consistent user experiences across platforms and geographies, Akamai assists companies in expanding internationally.

Large audiences may enjoy continuous video and media streaming on any device thanks to Akamai. These systems are made to handle massive media events with millions of spectators, increase offload and cost effectiveness, give comprehensive performance and user interaction information, and have safe storage options. In general, top CDN solutions from Akamai support companies in safeguarding their online identities, improving user experiences, and safely distributing material across international borders.

Broad worldwide reachThe price is more than that of other CDN providers.
Technology is strong and capable of meeting demanding needs.The admin interface is difficult to use.
Outstanding client care

Edgio Delivery

A material Delivery Network (CDN) called Edgio Delivery was created to deliver safe material to any kind of device. Its main aim is on providing large-scale, dependable, high-quality video streaming and file downloads. The worldwide edge network of Edgio Delivery, which has over 300 Points of Presence and a capacity of more than 250 Tbps, speeds up content delivery. The network keeps over 7,000 global links to guarantee the best possible paths for content delivery.

To manage delivery configurations, the platform provides a number of control capabilities, including connection with Terraform, Rules Engine, and Edge Control. With the use of these solutions, companies may store and manage data for maximum efficiency and customize the way that material is distributed according to exact guidelines. Edgio’s data analytics assist in lowering expenses, enhancing delivery performance, and comprehending customer preferences. The platform’s bespoke reports, statistics, and real-time log delivery offer insightful information that helps users make wise decisions.

Edgio also prioritizes security, employing capabilities like Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Origin Shield to defend web infrastructure against DDoS attacks. The platform mitigates potential web server overloads, filters undesirable traffic, and identifies and stops application layer threats. All things considered, Edgio Delivery provides an effective CDN solution for companies needing high-performing, safe content delivery across international borders.

Limelight Networks (LLNW) was utilized by us for reporting and content storage. They kept the platform updated and enhanced. Over time, their method of communicating with customers has improved to become excellent.Since we discovered the LLNW business model, the workflow is not configured to support numerous live webcasts. Although it is possible, it is not as economical as competing options.
We simultaneously webcast live events from several locations for multiple clients across North America and overseas.
We developed applications using the LLNW framework.
Those initial clients and supporters are locked into antiquated, non-competitive contracts while their contracts alter to become more competitive, and sales holds the lawyers responsible for their incapacity to make adjustments.

Imperva CDN

Imperva Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an all-inclusive platform made to send apps safely over the world. To improve user experience on websites, it combines load balancing, failover, and content caching. Imperva CDN effectively caches dynamically-generated pages while guaranteeing content freshness through the use of machine learning, which lowers bandwidth usage and improves cache utilization.

Fast, secure content delivery and faster connection speeds are guaranteed by the Imperva CDN thanks to its sophisticated caching, content optimization strategies, and worldwide network of data centers. It supports a broad range of applications, such as microservices, third-party apps, APIs, and both legacy and contemporary apps. The CDN protects against the most recent security threats as part of the Imperva WAAP Security Platform, guaranteeing a safer online experience.

Imperva CDN also provides simple rule administration for environment-specific customizations. It allows judgments to be made without altering the user-facing URL based on visitor and request attributes. With cloud-based local server load balancers, global server load balancers, and automated site failover features, Imperva redefines load balancing and increases operational efficiency.

Imperva CDN improves dynamic content delivery, speeds up load times, lowers latency, and reduces bandwidth costs for websites and apps. Advanced caching, content optimization, load balancing, automatic failover, bespoke rules, and automated security solutions are some of the features that set them apart.

WAFA top-level CDN cannot be compared to the secondary CDN functionalities.
CounterDDoSThe dashboard’s WebGUI interface is very customizable. The user experience has been altered for years, and as a result, it is fragmented and still uses non-migrated services.
Bot identificationThere is not enough analysis done on WAF attack logs. The lack of event filters makes it impossible to assess attacks from earlier in the day. Chronology of assault analysis is a challenging task.
Although they are pricey and don’t add much, additional modules are available to enhance the examination of attack logs.


High-demand websites and apps employ CDN77, a content delivery network that serves more than a billion users each month. More than 5 million HTTP requests are handled by CDN77 per second, and its 130 Tbps network covers six continents to handle surges in traffic demand.

A strong global network backbone with direct access to more than 3,000 local ISPs, 300+ PNIs, and 15 premier transit providers are among CDN77’s key advantages. The network has an average cache hit ratio of 98% and a peak daily traffic rate of 50 Tbps. For the best possible service and customer satisfaction, CDN77 places a strong emphasis on creating customized solutions with flexible pricing and round-the-clock in-house technical assistance.

Custom rules and configurations, flexible development for unique cases, and specialized CDN infrastructure are just a few of the advantages that CDN77 offers to enhance performance, security, and user experience. Content delivery is kept safe by using secure protocols, such as SSL/TLS certificates and tokens, together with content protection techniques like hotlink protection, geolocation protection, and IP protection.

Excellent solution for accelerating global web resource loading for our online application. I appreciate their affordable costs and large global server count. Their prices and ration performance are excellent.The admin interface’s user experience may be improved. Additionally, the credit payment quantities are a little bit excessive for small firms, or the expiration period has to be extended (18 months as opposed to 12 months).

Gcore CDN

The goal of Gcore CDN, a next-generation content delivery network, is to improve online applications’ speed and responsiveness for users throughout the world. Gcore CDN offers low latency globally, so consumers may access apps as though the hosting is local to them. Web applications are more responsive because to dynamic content acceleration, which shortens the time it takes for created material to be sent.

With more than 150 Points of Presence (PoPs) and 110 Tbps of network capacity, Gcore CDN’s global network helps to provide an average latency of 30 ms globally. They have an average cache hit ratio of 85% and can process 2 million requests per second. In addition to offering a wide range of features including edge rules, bespoke SSL certificates, expanded API, support for Terraform and Grafana, Anycast and GeoDNS routing, and two-factor authentication, its architecture supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

Gcore CDN is perfect for usage with web apps, e-commerce, games, software assets, and video streaming. It provides advantages including faster website speed, rapid playback, and strong defense against DDoS assaults and traffic surges. Additionally, by regulating image quality, scaling, cropping, and converting photos to WebP or AVIF formats, their Image Stack tool helps website owners and developers streamline their workflow.

Additionally, Gcore CDN offers integrated online security features like next-generation online Application Firewall (WAF), L3, L4, and L7 DDoS mitigation, SSL/TLS encryption, and comprehensive access controls. They provide plans for personal websites, small enterprises, professional web projects, and major online services, all with a pay-as-you-grow price structure.

Fantastic valueIf the provider’s website included a section showcasing their services for a specific type of business, that would be fantastic. It’s like a checklist of services that can be set up later, are necessary, and are appropriate for me.
Excellent assistance
Numerous locations of access worldwide

Microsoft’s Azure CDN

The global Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a service that maximizes user experience by improving the scalability and speed of content delivery. It is very effective in distributing content to IoT endpoints, websites, mobile apps, gaming software, streaming media, and firmware upgrades.

Users can enjoy better performance and lower latency for high-bandwidth content by putting Azure CDN into practice. In order to improve online experiences, the CDN distributes user requests and serves content directly from edge servers, reducing the amount of traffic that is sent to the origin server. Due to its distributed Points of Presence (PoPs), it can withstand high traffic volumes and abrupt surges in volume without incurring extra expenditures or capacity issues. This makes it especially helpful for significant product launches and international events.

Azure CDN includes a range of security capabilities, such as DDoS mitigation, custom domain HTTPS, and complex rules for restricting requests or authenticating users, and it works smoothly with Azure services. When necessary, geo-filtering makes sure that the delivery of content is limited to particular areas.

Azure CDN is simple to set up and maintain, with clear-cut billing. It offers modern enterprises a dependable, secure platform to expand their content delivery and satisfy the needs of a worldwide user base.

It is possible to rapidly enhance new websites.Difficult learning curve; in order to use Azure Cloud effectively, you must be at ease with its logic and user interface.
Readily scalable to meet our performance standardsPricing for unique or unusual use cases might be difficult to predict or track.
Simple connection to other Azure servicesPossibly pricey for basic usage scenarios
Paying only for what is necessary

Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Would You Use a CDN ?

A geographically dispersed collection of servers that caches content close to end consumers is called a content delivery network (CDN). The assets required to load Internet content, such as HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, photos, and videos, can be transferred quickly via a content delivery network (CDN).

Is CDN A Good Thing ?

For your website’s performance, using a content delivery network (CDN) can improve loading speeds, scalability, and security, among other things. A content delivery network (CDN) can minimize latency and enhance user experience, engagement, and retention in addition to boosting SEO rankings and conversion rates by shortening the path between users and your content.

Does CDN Use Impact SEO ?

Improved website performance and faster load times have a direct impact on SEO rankings. Additionally, CDNs can assist you in lowering your bandwidth usage, which can improve user contentment and user experience—two things that search engines value highly.

Can CDN Enhance the Performance of a Website ?

A content delivery network (CDN) is primarily used to speed up the delivery of your website’s static material to visitors who are far from your original server. By doing this, you can enhance user experience, lower bounce rates, and ultimately increase website traffic.

Is Using A CDN Safe ?

Website visitors are shielded from attacks and dangers by content delivery network (CDN) security. By using its own network to serve content more securely, a CDN makes browsing safer. This enhances your website’s user experience for visitors as a whole.


These are a few of the top CDN services, to sum up. Website owners can improve their search engine results, increase customer loyalty, and shorten the time it takes for images, files, and other content to load by utilizing CDN services.

Although the service is more costly than hosting on a single server, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks. Consumers demand blazingly quick processing times and crisp video visuals. In order to maintain their competitiveness, companies need to be able to provide vast quantities of content worldwide in a timely manner.

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